Highlights of Qualifications

Currently enrolled in level 3 of the 5-year Mechanical Engineering co-op program at McMaster University

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills developed from academic and team projects
  • Possesses excellent technical skills in reading and analyzing engineering drawings obtained from courses such as Engineering Design Communication and the McMaster SAE Baja Car team
  • Exceptional problem solving developed from academic and extracurricular experiences
  • Strong understanding of different engineering concepts from teaching students in Autodesk CAD and computing


McMaster University

[2018 - ] Bachelor of Engineering – Mechanical Engineering (Co-op)

St. Joseph Secondary School

[2014 - 2018] Ontario Secondary School Diploma


Teaching Assistant – ENGINEER-1P13 COURSE [Fall 2020 - ]

  • Teaching first year students CAD on Autodesk Investor and Python programming
  • Supervises first year labs and marks assignments

FIRST Robotics Mentor - [April 2017 – June 2018]

  • Introduced the subject of robotics to elementary school students
  • Using the LEGO MINDSTORMS kits students were shown how to build, program, and run robots
  • Taught students how to program LEGO robots to perform objectives

Habitat for Humanity - [2017 August]

  • Volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore
  • Took initiative with taking inventory and stock
  • Assisted customers with services such as sales and information
  • Have experience with stores operations and customer services


Certifications and Training

WHMIS 2015 Workplace Safety Training Machine Shop Training AODA Health and Safety

Technical Design

Breadboarding Autodesk Eagle Autodesk Inventor Solidworks CAD PCB Printing Soldering Prusa
3D Printing Slicer Arduino        

Graphic Design

Adobe Illustrator Photoshop

Microsoft Office Suite

Word PowerPoint Excel Publisher Microsoft Teams


Java PIC MCU Assembly Python Arduino IDE MATLAB LaTeX Overleaf


Milling Lathe turning Drill Press Grinding Sand Blasting Bandsaws Sanding


Technical Writing Progress Reports Memos Letters


Bilingual: English and Tagalog G Class Driver’s License


2C04 McMaster Design Robotics Project - [Winter 2020]

  • As a team of four students we are tasked with designing, building, and testing a robot that tows a variable weight across a track
  • This robot also cannot use wheels, tracks, or anything resembling a wheel
  • We are also collaborating with students from electrical engineering to create a lidar system that will control the robot and map out a track
  • This robot will be using two motors and an Arduino microcontroller that will be programmed to control the robot’s movements and interactions with the lidar system
  • This project teaches the fundamentals of robotics, using microcontrollers, and promotes creativity in the mechanics of vehicular movement

3-D Printed Hand Prosthesis - [Fall 2018]

  • As a team of three students we created a low-cost gripping apparatus as a proof-of-concept for an advanced prosthetic.
  • This was my first large scale group project as a McMaster engineering student and it further developed my teamwork skills through numerous hours of collaboration between our team
  • This was also my introduction to CAD and 3-D printing software. This taught me about how valuable learning how to 3-D print is and that keeping organized CAD files are very beneficial to projects.

Digital VU (Volume Unit) Meter - [2017]

  • High school electronics class final project involving creating a VU meter using industrial parts
  • This required effective research into selecting optimal components and interpreting data sheets, as well as proper documentation and schematics
  • Using a string of LEDs and a PIC MCU microcontroller, I learned the fundamentals of Assembly language to program the VU meter



  • As a member of the controls sub-team, we focus on the mechanisms on the Baja car such as the brake assembly, steering column, steering rack, and throttle assembly
  • For the 2020 Baja vehicle I designed and created the bracket that attaches the brake pedal assembly to the master cylinders and chassis.
  • This project has allowed me to develop my skills on Solidworks CAD, working with sheet metal, and waterjet cut parts.
  • I have also created engineering drawing files for the parts I have modelled
  • Working on the Baja car team has also allowed me to use collaboration tools such as GrabCAD, a CAD sharing software for large projects, and Asana, an app that allows teams to stay organized

Hobbies and More

  • Rock climber, mostly bouldering
  • Snowboarder and skateboarder
  • Badminton
  • Music, I play drums and guitar
  • Big NBA fan
  • Cars are a big motivator and passion of mine